LifeStyles’ New Safety Ambassador Role
Our newly-appointed Safety Ambassadors will circulate throughout the facility to monitor the sanitization of equipment, spot clean and disinfect as needed, and ensure that members are following all safety protocols.
All LifeStyles staff have been trained to serve this new role and one to two staff members will be designated to serve as Safety Ambassadors during all hours of operation.
Safety Ambassadors will ensure that all physical distancing guidelines are being met throughout LifeStyles, and will limit the number of members in specific areas and rooms following established safety protocols from the CDC, The Valley Hospital, and the NJ Department of Health.
Safety Ambassadors will enforce safety rules throughout all of LifeStyles and will inform members who are not complying.
Our Safety Ambassadors will be visible and accessible to members in all areas of LifeStyles with an emphasis on the fitness floor, free-weight area, and locker rooms. They will wear Safety Ambassador badges in addition to their Valley identification badge.
Safety Ambassadors will be a resource to provide masks, wipes dispenser assistance, instruction on physical distancing, and any other resources to members regarding safety.
Safety Ambassadors will ensure members are sanitizing equipment before and after use and will sanitize fitness equipment as required by using wipes or Legg Guard™ spray and paper towels on grips and screens and high-touch areas.
Safety Ambassadors will complete regularly scheduled disinfecting of fitness equipment and lockers utilizing the Victory™ Electrostatic Sprayer.
Safety Ambassadors will receive and respond to member safety and/or comfort issues and concerns and requests for assistance.